The new Jira begins now

We're reimagining Jira Cloud for the future of software development with a brand new experience. Join Jira's Head of Product and Head of Product Marketing for an end-to-end demo of the new Jira experience along with best practices and trends that shaped the product.

Over the past year, we've shipped dozens of new features into a brand new Jira experience including roadmaps right inside the product, brand new boards, an overhauled configuration experience, and much more. During this webinar you will: 

  • Learn about our bold new product vision and get updates about what's shipped recently and what's on the roadmap for Jira Cloud
  • Learn about key trends in software development and modern work and how we're reimaginging Jira Cloud to solve for the problems of tomorrow
  • Learn how to navigate and optimize Jira's new product experience with best practices


Jason Wong

Principal Product Manager

A native of the Sutherland Shire, from the land downunder, Jason has the honor and privilege of working on the Jira team since 2014. He loves nothing more than visiting our customers to understand their business and tech as he seeks sources of inspiration for the product. An avid traveller with many hobbies. A proud family guy.

Jake Brereton

Head of Product Marketing, Jira Cloud

Orgulhoso cidadão do meio-oeste que vive na Califórnia, via Carolina do Norte, Jake tem a sorte de trabalhar na equipe do Jira Software desde 2013. Quando não está criando fluxos de trabalho personalizados, está mergulhado em uma partida de Descobridores de Catan ou preparando o drink Hendricks and Tonic mais gostoso do mundo. Ou, muito possivelmente, os dois ao mesmo tempo.